Democracy does work! Blaire, congrats, you definitely deserve it! Good luck, and keep smiling (I love it!).


Dan 3/3/03

Hey Girl,

I'm at Anne's house, able to use her computer; as you can tell, I haven't use one in a while... Thanks for responding to my E mail. I talked with Mom yesterday and Caitlin. Things seem to be going OK with Harrison; on the other hand (which is mine), I'm having fun taking care of my two grandbabies (Laney & Trevor). What a handful two are. Are you going to stay at UGA for summer or are you going to wherever your parents end up living? I hope that at sometime we can see each other; if I go back outside gardening, I don't know if I can get away... Well, love to you and you can respond or not to Anne's E-mail and the next time I'm here I will answer you.... Kisses, Brat - and keep on marching...... M

Marnie 3/14/03

What a gal! Go Dawgs! Go Blaire! Man, I miss Athens. Man, why did I get married?

John From Texas (UGA '01) 3/25/03

WOW, way to just be that gorgeous. We work with your mother at Pearland High School. Is it possible to have two husbands? Because that would be REALLY awesome. Anyway, your mother showed us this and we were left in awe, so we felt a compelling urge to email you. We hear that you might be coming in May down to see your mother, I approve of this and we are counting the days until your arrival. Don't disappoint us. We'll see you in about 48 days.

Jacob and Trevor 3/26/03

Well, I'm happy to hear that you have enjoyed working with my mom this year! I'm jealous that y'all get to see her so much more than I do! I hope everything works out for me to be there in May---I absolutely love Texas, so I will see y'all in about a month!!

To a very beautiful Southern Belle...I would love to meet you.

Please write me back and let's talk more about your love for Georgia and the SEC..

TIM RITTER 3/28/03

Thanks for the compliments--I hope get a good glimpse of what the season is going to entail this weekend at the annual G-Day game---Gooooo Dawgs!

Go, Blaire. I was born on Jan 16 at Athens General on Prince. Go Dogs!

Russell 4/23/03

Hey, Blaire! It's your cousin Amanda! I haven't talked to you in 4 ever, but Josh told me about your page and I had to check it out, congrats on everything girl!! You're beautiful!! ~amanda

amanda 4/23/03


Hey girl! I apologize for the lack of not responding fastly, but I have been in supermode lately!!! I hope you are doing well with everything, I sure do miss your smiling face! Please continue to keep in touch, and I'd love to talk soon!

Hey babe!
All my friends think you're hot! How's Texas? We leave to go to Europe in about 3 weeks so if I dont talk to you, good luck this summer. John T says hey.

Bowman 6/2/03

Miss me yet? My friends think you are hot, too. Hope you are having fun. God has got the perfect plan for you. Have a blessed summer. LOL

J 6/2/03

Hey Blaire,
This is Betsy Hengler from high school. Don't know if you remember me or not (guard captain in '98, I raided your house and made you go get dressed up at Burger King) :) Rob sent me the site a LONG time ago, but I am AWFUL about this kind of thing! Just wanted to say congrats and I hope everything is going well! SO! Congrats, you are a beautiful girl, inside and out! Take care!

Betsy 6/13/03


Of course, how can I forget the most embarassing day of my high school career being dressed up as a rookie by the seniors!!!! That was such a fun day though! I hope things are going well with you, hopefully you can enjoy some GA football games next season! Gooooooooo Dawgs!!!

Very sharp looking young lady. Represents the meaning of Southern college football. I can't wait for the season to start. I'll be in Athens to watch my beloved Gamecocks put a whoopin' on dem Bulldogs.

Gamecock Casey 7/3/03

Well, I hope you made it to Athens to see the Dawgs put a whoppin on the gamecocks instead! :-)

I am a '99 graduate of USC, and as much as we loathe UGA, there is something to be said about the women of Athens. This fine young lady is a premiere example of the many beautiful women that grace the campus of UGA. Good work on selecting this hottie from the large crowds of beautiful women.

Bryan 7/30/03

Thank you very much, and I agree that UGA is filled with beautiful, intelligent, women! I have met some of my very best friends here and love being a part of this campus!

Athens? Isn't that in Greece? Oh, and is it "chee-to" or "chito"? Who cares? All I want to do is spin on a rooftop anyway...

Joe 8/14/03

I miss Austin!! Chito! Where's Skittles? Am I skethin out on ya---noooo----course not!! See you soon CHAMP STRONG!

I'm gonna bet in favor of a double repeat this year... Blaire as THE Southern Fried Football Babe of the year, UGA as SEC champs of the year!

Robb 8/17/03

Gooooo Dawgs!!! Not only SEC champs again, but let's take it back to the sUGAr bowl again!!

blaire- whats up? you still look amazing everytime i see your pictures but ne way im at football camp in chicago and a couple of guys didnt believe that u were my prom date so i was just wondering if you could set the record straight. thank you. give me a call sometime id love to talk to you again

trevor 8/20/03

How's Chicago and the cold weather!! Good luck with football--I had a blast at prom with you--and call me sometime--I got a new phone, so I kind of lost your number....oooooops!!

Do you think Georgia has what it takes to win the National Championship?

Chris Dooney 9/2/03

I'm sure you want my professional athletic opinion from a majorette on GA football, but, yes, I have all the confidence in the world that GA has the potential to win a national championship!

Hi, I would like to know if you are as beautiful spiritually as you are physically? If you are a lover of God, then you are a perfect 10.

I hope you don't ruin your beauty by drinking, smoking, or cussing. That would be a shame! Be sweet, think right, and go God.

Brent Spry 9/5/03

I would never say I was a perfect 10--but is anyone really? Thanks for your interest in this website, and trust me, I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the direction of the Lord

Thank you for representing UGA in the finest manner. Your beauty and grace are unbelievable. As a UGA fan I am honored that you were chosen for this award. I wish you the best.

Tim 9/9/03


Hey this is Kristy's cousin. She showed me this website while at your place and the pictures weren't working so I looked at it when I got home. I must say you are my favorite UGA majorette, but you are also the only one that I have ever met. Go Dawgs!

Eric 9/16/03

Nice meeting you a few weekends ago--come back and visit, and I'll introduce you to the whole majorette line!

All I can say is unbelievable. What is the deal with this Texas stuff? It is great to be a Georgia Bulldog!

Brad 9/17/03

I interned in Austin, and had to support UT some this past summer--but trust me, I still bleed red and black.

Hey Blaire,

I'm over on the USCFOOTBALL.COM rivals website. U know, with DomerBG4. And since he's our board administrator and has had your beautiful picture as his signature picture, we've seen quite a bit of you. Needless to say, after USC, Georgia is my 2nd favorite school. Damn it cause I just got back from the USC/Auburn game and we were staying in Atlanta. Anyway, back to the point. If we were so lucky to make it to the Sugar Bowl and Georgia did too, would you be so kind to come visit us at the USCFOOTBALL tailgate party? Yeah, I know you're kinda busy on gameday, but it sure would be nice to meet you before the game! Heck, I'd even meet up with you and your friends the day/night before the big game! Well, if we don't talk, just remember to "FIGHT ON" and good luck with your career endeavors! I'll just have to live vicariously through DomerBG4. NOOOOOOOOO :)

Brad B. 9/24/03

I wish tailgating was part of our practice schedule for a Saturday game day---I'd love to be back at the Sugar bowl again this year! thanks for your support over at USC!

Blaire, I live in Spartanburg, SC and I believe I have talked to your parents this week. I was talking with a gentleman that was wearing a Georgia polo shirt and he was bragging about his daughter being featured on the first ticket stub this year. I have seen him several times and enjoy talking football with him. They were just moving to Spartanburg. I may be wrong and I apologize if I am, but I thought it would be cool if you were.

John 9/27/03

All signs point to yes that you were indeed talking to my parents---I love them dearly, but now that I am away at school, I know they tend to talk about me a lot to others--- it's okay to tell them to be quiet every now and then! I like Spartanburg so far!

And why didn't you go to Texas? You look so much better in the burnt orange with the Hook 'Em sign.

Will 9/30/03

I can throw out a hook em horns for that!

I think I love

todd norman 9/30/03

I am a misplaced Florida Gator living in Washington State. I found this website totally by accident.

I would like to congratulate you on winning this contest. Having lived in The South and now, The North, I must say Southern women such as yourself exude a certain self confidence, and a style and grace that are second to none and just happens to be extremely "sexy" too. Total class.

Very nice Blaire... you did The South proud, and I am sure your family is very proud of you too! Seeing all there is to see here on this website makes me very homesick for The South... :( It is sooooo... different....

Go Gators!! Go SEC!!

Jim Summer
Get me back to The South Please!!!

Jim Summer 9/30/03

There's definitely something that distinguishes Southern girls, but even more so, Georgia girls---although my family is originally from the North and I was actually born in the North, I believe myself to be a true Georgia girl and love every bit of a good southern accent!

Blaire- I went to Texas for almost 2 entire years, and I have to say that you make me very excited when I see you in the Texas football shirt. How did you become a fan of the burnt orange? I'd love to take you to a game sometime.

Jason Bellow 10/1/03

UT was my second choice for school, and after working in Austin all summer, I became quite a fan of the burnt orange---don't get me wrong though, Austin is no Athens, and Hook em horns just doesn't have the same sound as Goooooo dawgs!

Reading through your site I just wanted to let you know you are exactly what every true Southern Gentleman is looking for. I too am a huge UGA fan, although I didn't attend. Went to Stetson University in Florida instead. When living in Atl for 2 years following college (2000-2002) my friends and I didn't miss a UGA home game (caught a few away ones too). Will be flying up for the UGA vs UF game and I will surely be "your biggest fan" during the halftime show. Best of luck with your broadcasting career! As an institutional Wall St trader I would advise you to learn as much about your industry as possible and definitely pursue internships/summer jobs in your field. They often lead to jobs and/or great industry contacts. Given your natural beauty and intelligence you are sure to succeed...Enjoy the rest of the season!

Ryan Cournoyer 10/6/03

Thank you very much!!!!! What a compliment!!

Wanted to say congrats...I wasn't going to fly down for the UGA Fla game...but after seeing those pics I think I might charter the fastest jet on the East!!!

CJ Sarkis 10/6/03

Hi Blaire,

Just wanted to wish you and your Georgia Bulldogs the very best this year...except against my USC Trojans if they were to ever play. Some guy named Domer had your picture (and a few other songgirls) connected to his postings. I asked him who you were and he gave me your website. First of all, I have a girlfriend (unlike most of the guys who probably send you messages). I just wanted to send you a note and wish you the very best. You have such an intoxicating smile. I hope you get a national journalism position or one in San Francisco so that I can watch you throughout your career. Best wishes.


Jackson 10/7/03

Thank you for the encouragement!

Wow, I played football at Western Il University in the mid 90's and have been a life-long Notre Dame fan and current season ticket holder and nothing at Notre Dame comes close to how good looking you Southern girls are. I'll have to make it down for an SEC game, go Gamecocks(Lou Holtz fan)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommy Steinike 10/8/03

Thanks for the compliment about southern girls---Go Dawgs!! (Not USC!)

What a beautiful and delightful young lady. Great choice. I am sure she will have the world at her fingertips if that is what she wants.

Brent Beckham 10/24/03

If I could really have the world at my fingertips--I wouldn't be working so hard in school for this degree---seriously though thank you for the compliment and go dawgs!

What a way to prove that UGA has the most beautiful women from any campus anywhere! You are looking awesome and I am glad that you won! Congrats and hopefully I will see you around downtown!

Allen 11/5/03

I have finally figured it out why guys are dying to go to UGA---it's not because we have such a good football team and a great school---I'm pretty sure it's the 60/40 girl to guy ratio---I hope to see you around!

I was so excited to finally see a majorette on the footbal tickets this year. As a former majorette (96-98), it gave me great pride and memories. Also, to find out you are a ZTA made it even more special. My mom and best friends are ZTA's. Congratulations on all your achievements and best of luck in the future.

Karen Jones-Bray 11/11/03

I was highly surprised when I found out I was going to be on this year's ticket---to my knowledge, there has only been one other majorette on the ticket--- Twirling at UGA and being a ZTA are definitely two of my most cherished memories I will take from my experiences here.

Congrats on the award. You are definitely deserving based on the photos. Good luck with everything. I'm sure we will see you in the future on T.V. Take care, Charlie

Charlie Brunecz 11/11/03

Thanks and go dawgs!

Big Booty Blaire! Wow! I didn't know I lived with such a celebrity. Now the Blaire Show is online. Y'all should see her in the morning! JK love ya ( and a 10.5 on the "scale")

Lindsay 11/14/03

"Star, Sparkle, Twinkle, and Sequin---the girls are all here!" "Shark bate, oh ha ha!!" The show is in full effect tonight!!! I just need to know one thing.... "Is he looking, is he's my hair??" Little watty--I need one! Hangin out at the SLC---Polo anyone?? Love ya!!

You are a very beautiful woman and I would love to see you on the televison someday.

Barry Coker 12/6/03


I think Blaire was a great selection. Growing up in the South, Blaire is a perfect example of a great-looking Southern gal. Congratulations to Blaire - especially if she is as bright, personable, and fun-loving as you said she is. Good luck on your broadcast career.

Clayton Gibson 12/9/03

thanks and I like your name!

Ms. Blaire, you are absolutely beautiful. I have one question for you: in your opinion, how do you rank the SEC road stadiums as far as total experience and a good time?

Thank you for your time and good luck in the future.

Marx the Tiger 12/11/03

I would have to say that my favorite away stadium----would be UT--I've been there twice and both times we have unpredictably beat UT---and to see over 100,000 fans in that annoying orange and white go from being SO loud and obnoxious to being so quiet---it's quite the site---I do have to give their fans credit though for making so much noise--- that's what makes a stadium so much fun to watch a game in--- second best would be Auburn.

Congratulations, Blaire; it looks like you have a bright future in front of you. Too bad none of those chicken SEC schools are willing to come up North and play the Big Ten in non-conference. Although the girls might be a little better-looking down South, all the money remains up North.

Chicago Pete 12/11/03

Well, when I put the cleats on and start to control whether UGA gets to play a big 10 school---then we'll talk---seriously though---i have a sister at a big 10 school, and I was born in the north---but I don't care what you say about all the money----it's not worth trading in my flip flops and tank tops to spend 9 months in the snow and freezing weather!

Just thought I'd drop one more line. Blaire is the most beautiful girl I've ever known, seriously. Cheers.

joel 12/21/03

Although your mom and I have talked several times this year via telelphone and e-mail and have traded "bragging" comments about our youngest children (as well as both of our older ones) she didn't mention this well deserved honor or this website! I'll have to get her (and Joel, as well, since he obviously knew about it 'cause he has a comment on the site)! Please know that Mamma Jo and Preacher James are both proud of you and hope to see you soon. It's great to see someone whom we know to have high values as well as obvious physical beauty achieve this recognition. You've been special to us since you were in fourth grade!
Hopefully, we'll get to see you and catch up the day you and Joel get together right after Christmas. Did he tell you that Julie is pregnant? THREE grandchildren in 10 months! We're about to catch up with your folks! (Can you tell that I'm excited?)
Love you lots!

MammaJo 12/21/03

Blairezy!!!! It's criffley! Debbie Norville's got nothing on you and Oprah had better watch out! Kelly Ripa who? And to think it all started with the Generals' Journal! We'll look for you at the Capital One Bowl! Go DAWGS!!!!!!!!

Chris Diffley 12/23/03

Oh Blaire, how proud we are of you. We have such great memories of you and your family when we were neighbors in Snellville.

The Rhodes' Family (Ray, Angie, Abby and Nick) 1/4/04

We just wanted to wish Blaire "HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY". Can't believe our "BABY" is 21. Have a wonderful birthday, and know that we love you! Love Dad and Mom.

Dad & Mom 1/13/04

That last picture of you wearing Longhorn gear and flashing the "Hook em" sign, is the best overall pic! Where was that pic taken and are you a Longhorn fan? You'd fit in quite well here in Texas, and we'd love to adopt you as one of our own. Please move here as soon as you can, Austin is beautiful. Any ties to Texas? Thanks Blaire, you're beautiful!

Chris Miller 2/3/04

It's AUsome (sorry had to do it!!) to see a ZTA sister on the UGA ticket. I was at the Auburn/UGA game. I do a lot for ZTA now, live in ATL and love football, but sorry to say it's Auburn football. I was raised in Tallahassee, FL so I do like Mark Richt!!! UGA was actually my first choice, but Auburn won me over.
ZLAM Blaire!! Katie!

Katie Allen 2/5/04

Hey Blaire...It's your OLDEST cousin Scott. Congrats! How about some pictures of you in true football gear representing the only true college football team... The University of Michigan Fightin' Wolverines!!! If you like I could send you some of the extra snow we have here in chilly Michigan. Take care and God bless you in everything you do,

Scott Maichele 3/5/04

You are a truly beautiful girl with a great smile, and from the things I read above, you are a beautiful person on the inside as well. Best wishes and may God bless you!
PS What is it like to perform in front of over 90,000 people?

Mike Spires 3/30/04

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAWGS...sic Em woof, woof, woof. Ok now that that's out of the way, I just wanted to say hey. I saw you one day working and asked Ian who you were. He told me your name and to check out this site so here I am. I like the pictures and would love to talk to you or hang out sometime. If you have a reply talk to Ian, we're neighbors. Well gotta run. Oh and congrats on Babe of the Year.
Sincerely, your Drunken Georgia Football Fan

Allen 5/4/04

How can I get an autographed photo of you?

TIM 6/13/04

Just wanted to let Blaire know that she still makes us so proud. Congrats on the internship at WCTQ. Wish we could hear you on the radio! Have fun!

mom & dad 7/5/04

You are the most beautiful creature on Earth. Very nice smile and body. Would like to meet you one day. From the sunny South Africa!

Johan 8/5/04

"and it's okay if you had to go away; just remember the telephones, they work both ways. but if i never ever hear them ring, if nothing else, i'll think the bells inside had finally found you someone else, and that's okay, cos i'll remember everything you sang--cos you and i both loved what you and i spoke of and others only read of and others just dream of the love that i loved..."

an old friend 8/24/04

Hi Blaire this is lauren my mom works at the high school in the front office with your mom. I printed a lot of pics of you I think you are really pretty.Well better go~Love Lauren

Lauren Bowman 9/10/04

Man, as an Aggie who has UGA friends, the longhorn picture was a real letdown. I just had to tell you would look much better in maroon compared to that nasty orange.

Stephen 9/28/04

What's with the UT shirt and the hook em horns sign? Have we had a change of scenery, or just a change of loyalty? Thanks.

Matt 10/6/04

Beautiful, just beautiful. I love a beautiful Georgia girl. There isn't anything better.

Terry Richardson 10/28/04

It is wonderful to see such natural beauty. I have to say you are up there with the prettiest of the prettiest. Take care and good luck throughout your quest for life.

Doug Glass 10/29/04

hey Blaire i just wanted to say congrats to all of the goals you have acheived and your a beutiful young lady

Sean 2/16/05

I must say that they seem to have chosen the best candidate for this award 3 years ago. The amount of beauty that you portray in the pictures shown are just stunning. Your infectious smile could warm the coldest of hearts. If you are not single, God bless the man who gets to see that smile everyday.

Mike 9/15/05

I'm an Illinois grad. Do you think girls from Georgia would look as good in orange and blue as they do in red and black?

John Buckley 9/16/05

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